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Life Skills Programmes

This programme aims at the all-round development of the participant and enhances intrapersonal and Interpersonal skills. Such a programme develops the decision making skills and is a proactive approach to addressing life issues. It is aimed at children, youths and adults - and is highly interactive!


Life Sklls programmes can be delivered as Orientation sessions for Forms One, Four and Lower Six to meet the specific needs of these levels. 


The Life Skills programme can also be tailored to assist parents in supporting their young learners and to help corporations and communities pass on needed skills to their members. 


Values & Anti-Bullying Game Programme

The Values and Attitudes Programme for Schools incorporates the board game called Best Student Award along with five (5) activity sessions which are teacher – led. These sessions are to reinforce the values introduced during the game and to engage students’ attention to their own need to improve.

This interactive game allows for healthy communication among players and can bring both victim and bully playing around the same table. It has been seen to evoke audible self confessions by some players. 

River Lime Game & Programme

This environmental board game aims at enhancing environmental management through its content, but presents a strong example of student- centered approaches to teaching, reading and vocabulary enhancement.

It combines fun and competition both through play and the teaching sessions that accompany the programme. It sharpens thinking and reading skills and creates interest in the environment in the young players.

Its content fulfills some of the objectives in science and social studies both at upper primary and secondary level.

It also makes a great family game!

Connecting the Dots - Attitudes to Outcomes

This programme comprises five sessions, (3) hours in duration each. The programme begins with the use of the River Lime game to promote environmental awareness and to facilitate the connection between poor attitudes to the environment and the negative outcomes experienced, as flooding. The programme then introduces attitudes to others. The final segment looks at attitude towards school and being proactive in learning. Participants are then to connect the dots.

Wee Pals Programme

Wee Pals is an environmental game programme for preschool aged children (recommended ages 4 - 7) for use in a classroom setting. It encourages discussion on environmental matters to be facilitated by the teacher or parent. It promotes learning skills and observation.

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